The Isaac McIntyre Manifesto. Rules for if you want to follow me.

  • 1. One must like at least 1 of the following artists: Nine Inch Nails, Lady Gaga, Modest Mouse, Elliott Smith, The Microphones
  • 2. One cannot do any of the following things: 1. Openly or privately support a TERF (e.g. Kathleen Hanna, Roisin Murphy) 2. Support a white supremacist artist, no exceptions (whether openly or privately) 3. Hate on Timothee Chalamet (absolutely no slander for our potentially lgbt french-american king) 4. Like any of the following artists: 1. Demondice, 2. Me&Me, 3. Melanie Martinez
  • 3. If anyone you know does anything mentioned in rule 2, cut them out as soon as fucking possible.
  • 4. No Elon dickriders allowed
  • 5. Like the song "You Need to Calm Down" by Taylor Swift (bitch please, we all know the real king/queen of gay anthems is Born This Way by Lady Gaga /srs (/srs))
  • 6. One must consider The Fragile (the NIN album) to be a 10/10.
  • 7. No skramz slander (especially if the slander is given to Orchid or Combatwoundedveteran)
  • 8. One must have at least 1 Criterion Collection release in their household
  • 9. No rich people allowed
  • 10. No bigotry of any kind allowed. I don't care if you donate to children's charities. Go do a justin timberlake and cry me a river.